Nonverbal transportation in business

Robert Greene The Art Of Seduction - Nonverbal transportation in business

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There are five key elements that can make or break your endeavor at thriving nonverbal transportation in business:

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Robert Greene The Art Of Seduction

Eye contact Gestures Movement Posture, and Written communication

Let's examine each nonverbal element in turn to see how we can maximise your inherent to quote effectively...

Eye contact

Good eye sense helps your audience manufacture trust in you, thereby helping you and your message appear credible. Poor eye sense does exactly the opposite.

So what Is 'good' eye contact?

People rely on optical clues to help them decide on either to attend to a message or not. If they find that man isn't 'looking' at them when they are being spoken to, they feel uneasy.

So it is a wise company communicator that makes a point of attempting to engage every member of the audience by looking at them.

Now, this is of course easy if the audience is just a handful of people, but in an auditorium it can be a much harder task. So balance your time between these three areas:

slowly scanning the whole audience, focusing on particular areas of your audience (perhaps looking at the wall between two heads if you are still intimidated by social speaking), and looking at personel members of the audience for about five seconds per person.

Looking at personel members of a large group can be 'tricky' to get right at first.

Equally, it can be a fine balancing act if your audience comprises of just one or two members -- spend too much time looking them in the eyes and they will feel intimidated, stared at, 'hunted down'.

So here's a beneficial tip: break your eye-to-eye sense down to four or five second chunks.

That is, look at the other man in blocks that last four to five seconds, then look away. That way they won't feel intimidated.

Practice this timing yourself, away from others. Just look at a spot on the wall, count to five, then look away. With institution you will be able to manufacture a 'feel' for how long you have been looking into your audience member's eyes and intuitively know when to look away and focus on someone else man or object.

When focusing on personel members in a large meeting or auditorium, try and geographically spread your concentration throughout the room. That is, don't just focus your personal gaze (as positive from when you are scanning the room or looking at sections of the room) on premium individuals from just one part of the room. Unless you are specifically looking to interact with a particular man at that occasion of your presentation, plump your personel eye-contact audience members from the whole room.


Most of us, when talking with our friends, use our hands and face to help us quote an event or object - excellent nonverbal aids.

We wave our arms about, turn our hands this way and that, roll our eyes, raise our eyebrows, and smile or frown.

Yet many of us also, when presenting to others in a more formal setting, 'clam up'.

Our audience of friends is no separate from our company audience — they all rely on our face and hands (and sometimes legs, feet and other parts of us!) to 'see' the bigger, fuller picture.

It is totally understandable that our nervousness can cause us to 'freeze up', but is is in our and our communication's best interests if we administrate that nervousness, administrate our fear of social speaking, and use our body to help emphasise our point.

I found that by joining a local Toastmasters International club I was rapidly able to learn how to 'free up my body' when presenting to others.


Ever watch great presenters in activity — men and women who are alone on the stage yet make us laugh, cry and be swept along by their words and enthusiasm?

Watch them determined and you'll note that they don't stand rigidly in one spot. No, they bounce and run and stray and glide all around the stage.

Why do they do that?

Because they know that we human beings, men in particular, are drawn to movement.

As part of man's genetic legacy we are programmed to pay concentration to movement. We at once observation it, either we want to or not, assessing the movement for any hint of a threat to us.

This, of course, helps illustrate why many men are drawn to the Tv and seem transfixed by it. It also helps illustrate why men in particular are practically 'glued' to the Tv when there is any sport on. All that movement!

But to get back to the stage and you on it... Ensure that any movement you make is meaningful and not just nervous fidgetting, like rocking back and forth on your heels or thoughprovoking two steps send and back, or side to side.

This is 'nervous movement' and your nervousness will send itself to your audience, significantly diluting the potency of your transportation and message.

So move about the stage when you can — not just to keep the men in the audience happy, but to help emphasise your message!


There are two kinds of 'posture' and it is the wise communicator that manages and utilizes both.

Posture 1

The first type of 'posture' is the one we think of intuitively-the right back versues the slumped shoulders; the feet-apart positive stance verses the feet together, hand-wringing of the nervous; the head up and smiling versus the head down and frowing.

And every one of the positions we place the discrete elements of our body in tells a story—a powerful, nonverbal story.

For example, stand upright, shoulders straight, head up and eyes facing the front. Wear a big smile. observation how you 'feel' emotionally.

Now-slump your shoulders, look at the floor and slightly shuffle your feet. Again, take a not of your emotional state.

Notice the difference?

Your audience assuredly will, and react to you and your message accordingly.

A strong, upright, positive body posture not only helps you breath easier (good for helping to calm nerves!) but also transmits a message of authority, confidence, trust and power.

If you find yourself challenged to avow such a posture, institution in front of a mirror, or good yet join a speaking club like Toastmasters International [].

Posture 2

The second type of 'posture' comes from your internal reasoning and emotional states.

You can have great body posture but without internal reasoning and emotional posture your words will sound hollow to your audience.

For example, the used car salesman at 'Dodgy Brothers Motors' might have great body posture and greet you with a firm handshake, a steady gaze and a amiable smile. But if in his heart he is looking you as just someone else sucker then sooner or later his internal conflict between what he says and what he assuredly thinks will cause him to 'trip up'.

His body will start betraying his real, underlying intentions and you'll start to feel uncomfortable around him, even if you can't shape out why.

But, if that same used car salesman had a genuine desire to help you find the right car for you, and he puts your needs before his own, then his words and actions will remain congruent (in harmony) with his underlying intentions and you will trust him, even though you might not be able to recognize why.

I have seen some supposed 'self help' gurus who don't assuredly institution what they preach. Consequently their words ring hollow to me and their books, cds, dvds and training materials remain unpurchased.

I have met salesmen and women who don't assuredly make the money they claim to make in their 'fabulous company opportunity', and while their words are practiced and polished, and their body posture is 'perfect', their words ooze like honeyed poison frm their lips and I remain unconvinced.

This second type of 'posture' is fundamentally tied to truth and honesty. It is about 'walking the talk' and being who you say you are.

It's about not trying to sell something you don't believe in or use yourself. It's about not trying to pass yourself off as an master when all you've ever done is read a book on the subject.

It's all about production sure that your words and your intentions are underpinned by truth and honesty. Because all of us, no matter how polished a presenter we might be, are at the mercy of our body and its quality to 'tell the truth' in spite of what our lips might utter. Nonverbal clues rule!

Written communication

I could spend a lifetime writing about the art of written communication.

There is an art (and also a science) that can be learnt with diligence and practice. To write too formally; to write too informally; to write too briefly; to write too lengthily...

My first suggestion would be to avail yourself of one of the following three books, each of which is assuredly great at giving you the skills and insights into sufficient company writing:

The company Style Handbook: An A-to-Z Guide for Writing on the Job with Tips from Communications Experts at the Fortune 500 by Helen Cunningham and Brenda Greene The Elements of company Writing: A Guide to Writing Clear, concise Letters, Memos, Reports, Proposals, and Other company Documents by Gary Blake and Robert W. Bly sufficient company Writing: Strategies, Suggestions and Examples by Maryann V. Piotrowski

From persuasive memos to complaint letters, sales letters to administrative summaries -- these exceedingly beneficial guides help you to write clearly and in an approved format, style and tone. Each book has numerous examples that show how to overcome writer's block, manufacture messages for maximum impact, accomplish an easy-to-read style, find an sufficient writing ideas and much more.

In conclusion...

There are five key elements that can make or break your endeavor at thriving nonverbal company communication:

Eye contact
Posture, and
Written communication

Nonverbal transportation in a company setting requires not only recognition of these elements, but confidence in meeting their challenges.

Good luck and remember to quote with passion!

I hope you will get new knowledge about Robert Greene The Art Of Seduction. Where you'll be able to put to use within your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Robert Greene The Art Of Seduction.


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