imagine and Free Expression - How You Can Promote Both

Robert Greene 48 Laws Of Power - imagine and Free Expression - How You Can Promote Both

Hello everybody. Now, I discovered Robert Greene 48 Laws Of Power - imagine and Free Expression - How You Can Promote Both. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. imagine and Free Expression - How You Can Promote Both

There is a lot of zealotry on the loose in this country, which would be a good thing if only the zealots on the loose were zealous about the right things. But, what animates most of the ordinary American zealots are the tax cuts, fear of big government and the slogan-based patriotism of the Tea Party-Sarah Palin-Rush Limbaugh-Michele Bachman Right-Wing extremists. These zealots with fascist impulses seek to inflict fundamentalist Christian values, laws, restrictions and beliefs on all of American society. There is a great need, therefore, for undercover freethinkers to volunteer for the cause of a 21st century Enlightenment. Freethinkers who have allowed neighbors, family, friends and business company to assume they are god-fearing, miracle-believing, going-to-heaven- someday believers, should consider disabusing citizen who believe such things about them. How? By arrival out in preserve of a counter-movement already underway, one that offers rational if polite zealotry in the cause of presume and free expression.

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Robert Greene 48 Laws Of Power

Philipp Blom has written an leading book entitled, "A Wicked Company." It outlines the forgotten radicalism of the Enlightenment. Reading it makes me think that it may be time to remember this period in Europe while the 18th century, a time when conditions of church/state integration existed that modern Republicans seem set on recreating today.

Blom devotes much attentiveness to the promotion of presume and free expression credited to Spinoza, Hume, Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Jean d'Alembert, Kant, Hume and Baron d'Holbach, among others, names often cited by America's 19th century champion of freethought, Robert Green Ingersoll. These men were the freethinkers or "New Atheists," humanists and rationalists who in the 18th century developed ideas still under assault today and defended by rationalist organizations such as the free time from Religion Foundation, Americans United for divorce of Church and State, The center for Inquiry and the Secular Coalition of America, as well as leading personel writers such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, P.Z. Myers and Tom Flynn, among many others.

What were the key ideas professed by Enlightenment zealots? It is important, I believe, that we not forget that many of the ownership we take for granted were once notion radical and even criminal to promote, such as:

* preserve for democratic forms of government rather than either monarchy or aristocracy.

* The promotion of racial and gender equality.

* A reliance in the possible right of all citizens to select personel ways of life.

* free time of notion and expression.

* Religious free time and tolerance for non-belief with the right to freely express such views in print and otherwise.

Philosophic presume was valued over religious faith. These Real wellness advocates were also, according to Mr. Blom, very much curious in the exuberance dimension of a ability lifestyle. The author reports at distance on what one novelist (Laurence Sterne) called "an infinitude of gaiety and civility (that) reigned among them."

Nobody will ever say that about the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michele Bachman and the other Right-Wing extremists of our time. They all assault me as an angry, mirthless bunch who, like the Puritans, worried most of all about the possibility that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time. The Puritans would not have appreciated or suffered the presence of Enlightenment thinkers among them. The Catholic Church (and Calvinists in Geneva and other Protestant strongholds elsewhere throughout Europe) were power-addled reactionaries, burning books and heathens alike in attempts to inflict their ludicrous faiths. Free notion then was a lot more risky than it is today, in good part because those brave wellness pioneers lived and risked as they did. We are the beneficiaries of their heroism. It might be accepted for us to do our part for hereafter generations.

So, if you favor a philosophy consistent with that of secular progressives who preserve evidence over faith, presume over religion, science over superstition -consider becoming a visible volunteer for the New Enlightenment of Real wellness advocacy. There are so many of us still undercover, often for strategic, fear of discrimination reasons.

This is a luxury non-enthusiasts for the hazards that could come from Republican rule can no longer afford. An America dominated by Christian reactionary conservatives will be no place for freethinkers fond of the hard-earned guarantees of our Constitution. And remember, despite what is asserted in the Pledge of Allegiance to the contrary, we are still under the Constitution, not a generic god or any of the definite imaginary deities who have ruled over citizen since the dawn of human times.

Take the initiative - start telling citizen that you favor presume and free expression, that you do not think that a sky god is requisite for moral awareness and decency, that you want to do what you can to improve human welfare in this world and that we are the source for the many meaning, values, and ethics, not the priestly classes. We must institute and cleave to our own values based on what best serves a good society that values integrity, trustworthiness, benevolence, fairness and other common decencies. A Real wellness mindset is the best path to fulfilling and humane lives that are rich intellectually, ethically and emotionally, without reliance on religious faith.
Compared with other volunteer possibilities, arrival out to volunteer for outspoken Real wellness, particularly the New Enlightenment of presume and free expression in conservative Republican-oriented 21st century America, is a courageous, ambitious and greatly needed social service.

I hope you will do it - today, in your own fashion. For freethinkers, it's time to stop living under the unspoken but excellent norm of don't ask, don't tell. Tell everyone, either they ask or not. The dialogue that follows is more likely to enlarge a new Enlightenment than an invitation to appear before some new version of the Roman Catholic Inquisition.

Be well and enjoy your life - and your freedoms.

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